u-c-e-r* presents
The amazing BLOARZEYD CD Release PARTY!
Friday June 30th
Doors Open at 7PM
Live Music at 8PM


the Vultures
Coup de Grace

Featuring Works by:
George Martin, Kevin Derken, Robert Matthew, Adam Kerin, Dano McGowin, LOOKETHA, Dylan Vitale, Eric Dickerson, Dave Schmidt, Gregg Iwaszkiewicz, Dooley O, Win Vitkowsky, AMPS, Erich Davis, Mike Cooper, Lipgloss Crisis, Eben Kling, Rob Beam, Jennifer Smith, Todd Emmerson, Janet Warner, Mya Freeman, stoklof, Jahmane West, Margeret Milano, Michael Porters, Sebastion/Bezerc, gianniMOTO, Demo, Michelle Palmeri, Drew Osbon, Nathan Dickriede, Ben Loiz, Bel, Meg Herlihy, Dick Darkhair, David Buonocore, Keph, 7ZaRk7 and more..

Driving Directions
New Haven: I-95 South Exit 25(Fairfield Ave.) at the end of ramp take a right then take an immediate right on Railroad Ave. Continue 2 blocks until Hancock Ave, Park on Railroad Ave. or in the lot behind NEST. Entrance to NEST is on Hancock Ave.

New York: I-95 North Exit 26(Wordin Ave.) at the end of Ramp take a left and continue straight under I-95 and then under the train tracks then immediately take a left on Railroad Ave. Go until second light and take left under the train tracks on to Hancock Ave.Park on Railroad Ave. or in the lot behind NEST. Entrance to NEST is on Hancock Ave.